Sunday, September 20, 2009

Pelvic pressure and pain caused by Incompetent Veins

I have had several patients in the last month that have complained of pelvic pressure and pain and sure enough, when I scanned their deep femoral vein above the Saphenous/Femoral venous junction and up into their Iliac vein they all showed extensive venous reflux. One of these patients was male, so this is not just a women's issue.

All my patients were relieved to find out that there was an explanation for what they were experiencing! More than one of them told me that their gynecologist or general practitioner told them it was either in their head or it was related to sexual problems.

In their head? Do doctors still tell people this? YOU live in your body, YOU know if it doesn't feel right. Don't let some doctor tell you it's psychosomatic if you KNOW something is wrong. There are a lot of doctors out there to get second and third opinions from! Keep investigating until you find your answer.

Ok, I'll get off my take-responsibility-for-your-own-medical-care soap box now.

If you are feeling symptoms like pressure and pain in your pelvic region, and ladies if you are feeling it more strongly during your menstrual period, it could be incompetent veins in your pelvic region. Get a comprehensive pelvic ultrasound exam that includes a look at your ovaries, uterus, bladder, and a venous scan up into your pelvis. You may find an answer to your questions about your pelvic pain.

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